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Blending worlds: How SteboArt is redefining Art with Ownerchip’s NFC Technology

Stebo, the artistic alias of Stefan Temmel, is a groundbreaking artist from Graz known for merging traditional painting with modern street art. He has spent years honing a unique style, working on various mediums like canvas, furniture, and everyday items. Distinguished for his versatile artistry, Stebo creates both in-studio and through live performances and workshops, offering an immersive view of his creative journey.

Embracing blockchain technology, particularly NFT art (Non-Fungible Token), Stebo and his team have partnered with Infineon and OwnerChip to incorporate custom NFC (Near Field Communication) chips into their physical artworks. This integration effectively transforms these artworks into NFTs on the blockchain. Their “ArtsyApes” project is a testament to this blend of physical and digital art realms, marking one of Austria’s most significant NFT art initiatives.

Stebo’s career is adorned with collaborations with prestigious brands such as Porsche Holding, Neuroth, Jägermeister and Infineon, underscoring his influence and versatility in the art world.